Saturday, December 19, 2009

4 bad habits that cause tooth white no longer again

Tooth whitening has been done because many people want shiny white teeth and a sweet smile. Why could change the color of teeth, what factors caused it? You know, there are several natural factors that can not be prevented that causes white teeth and shiny no longer like when the kids. Over the years we chew food causing cracks in the layer of tooth, beside that the color of teeth at birth and enamel condition when we born can cause tooth staining (To know what it is enamel, please read sweeten your smile with teeth whitening).

Apart from a natural actor, at least 4 bad habits that you do that may consciously or unconsciously can cause tooth Staining, they are :

1. Eat deeply-colored beverages and food
Deep colored beverages and foods like cola, coffee, tea, red wine and also acidic foods can make erosion to enamel. So that over time, the enamel becomes thinner and the inside of the tooth called dentin will be visible. This is what can cause yellow teeth. To avoid that, you should reduce consum this food and do teeth whitening regularly after you eat that

2. Smoking
You know, many ious vardisease can caused by smoking such as cancer,tuberculosis, etc.. It turned out that smoking can also damage the layer of teeth. Nicotine contained in cigarettes can be left behind brown stains on teeth, and this layer is very difficult to remove except through the method of bleaching teeth using certain chemicals that are good for dental health

3. Use of drugs and chemicals that damage the teeth
Not much different from the nicotine, drugs and chemical can make dark grey and brown ribbon stain that are difficult to remove. To remove that, you can do same way with remove nicotine,by through a method of bleaching teeth

4. Teeth grinding
Teeth grinding is actually good for teeth and appearance, but if done too often can cause a lot of cracks occurred in the enamel and can cause the biting edges to darken

From the explanation above you may be more aware of and avoid the bad habit and can grow a passion for always doing teeth whitening regularly. I hope this article can help you.. thanks..

Related Article with 4 bad habits that cause tooth white no longer again

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