Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tips to prevent sensitive teeth after teeth bleaching

tips for sensitive teethIn my previous article that discussed the risk and danger of teeth whitening, you can know teeth whitening process will cause pain like a Zinger and iritation and make higher sensitivity of teeth. This can take one, two days or maybe a month . You can imagine if we feel the pain for a month, it will feel very tormented be to you.

To prevent and reduce the level of tooth sensitivity after whitening teeth or tooth bleaching , there are a few tips and methods you can do, here are:

1. Stop teeth whitening process temporarily 1 to 7 days. This is intended to make your teeth adapt itself to new teeth whitening system.
2. Consider the periode of your tray used. Don't use too long time. The higher sensitivity of your teeth, the faster or shorter periods of use tray
3. Use special tooth paste for teeth sensitive.
4. Consult to the dentist about teeth whitening products which suitable for your teeth.

I hope with this tips,problems in sensitive teeth after whitening teeth can be prevented and threat. Happy weekend ..

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