Thursday, February 4, 2010

wrong methode to whitener your teeth and tips to prevent it

As you know in my last article in this teeth whitening blog, there are some instant ways how to whiten teeth instantly. But for the sake of safety and health of your teeth later , you should know and consider teeth whitening safety tips below. This is the wrong way to do teeth whitening instatnly and tips how to prevent side effect of its ( teeth destruction )

The wrong myth of the tooth whitening

1. Gargle with hydrogen peroxide is believed to whiten teeth instantly. This is true to whiten teeth, but do not rinse with hydrogen peroxide every day for more than 5 consecutive days. Why you may not do that? Because based on the research, Hydrogen peroxide can cause changes in tissue hyperplasias, the precancerous, if used for more than 5 days.

2. You drink lemon juice to whiten your teeth? Do these things to whiten your teeth. But be careful. Vitamin C contains acids that can damage your teeth. to prevent side effect of this acids, after drinking lemon juice, you should gargle with water, then brush with toothpaste containing fluoride.

That is 2 wrong methode to do whitening teeth. If you can do my tips to prevent this side effect, i hope you can get your clear , white and shiny teeth. I have 2 methode how to whitener your teeth instanly and tips how to prevent side effect of its in my next article. Keep to visit my blog, OK .....

Related Article with wrong methode to whitener your teeth and tips to prevent it

1 comment for wrong methode to whitener your teeth and tips to prevent it:

Richard Warburton said...

Hydrogen peroxide is the most common tooth whitener is use; however because we all have hydrogen peroxide in out bathroom cabinets, many people do not realize the dangers of this chemical. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent, stronger than chlorine and even low concentrations of the vapor are dangerous. OSHA has set the occupational permissible concentration to only 1 ppm calculated over 8 hours [29 CFR 1910.1000 Tbl. Z-1]. The website summarizes the health risks of hydrogen peroxide as published by various governmental agencies and occupational safety organizations. Most tooth whiteners are use liquid hydrogen peroxide and the liquid is in equilibrium with hydrogen peroxide vapor. However, the liquid also hazardous, hydrogen peroxide is a primary irritant, the hazard increasing with concentration. Before using any tooth whiteners, users should be sure that the composition is from a reliable source and has been fully tested for safety.