Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Step by step procedure of in office teeth whitening

What the hell was going to do for your teeth when performed in office whitening? What should I do? These are the questions that are usually expressed when they first did in office tooth bleaching. Because of that, I will share you anything you will do step by step to get white teeth by in office teeth bleaching procedure. This is to give an overview to you and to facilitate a process to get your white teeth.

This is step by step you will do with teeth whitening in office :

1. A retractor for the cheek is inserted into your mouth, showing all the teeth that are usually visible when you are smiling.

2. A rubber liquid dam or resin is then painted onto your gum tissues in order to keep you from experiencing the irritation that may be caused by the bleaching gel.

3. The gel used for bleaching contains hydrogen peroxide and will be kept on your smile teeth for about 15 to 30 minutes.

4. The gel will then be suctioned of your teeth, you will rinse any residual gel, and you will have new gel applied for an additional 15 to 30 minutes

5. An ultraviolet light is used to enhance your process. Many treatments incorporate the intense light on the teeth to enhance the bleaching process.

6. The teeth will be check in between the gel applications to ensure the whitening is working or if more bleach is needed.

7. The cheek retractors are removed, when the gel application is over, then your progress is measured on the color chart to see the whitening change. Your teeth may whiten a few shades, usually two or three or as many as eight. You may find that the teeth will look whiter than their true new color, you will find out what the right color is in a couple of days.

8. If the level of whitening you desire has not been achieved, your doctor may want you to return for another in-office treatment or give you a take home bleaching treatment program

That's step above, generally you will take in office teeth whitening. So, I feel you have known all about in office teeth whitening and you can get your dream to get your white teeth now.See you in other tips teeth whitening

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