Medically speaking impotence means the impossibility to achieve an erection hard enough to enjoy sexual intercourse. The causes of male impotence are varied and include such groups of factors as psychological issues (stress, anxiety, mental illness), drug or surgery side-effects (some antidepressants are known to cause impotence), physical damage to genitals as well as underlying medical conditions (diabetes, hypertension). One should understand the different between impotence and sterility, the latter being the inability to procreate without the actual inability to have sex.
It is estimated that 9 out of each 10 cases of male impotence are caused by underlying psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, stress or mental illness.
This condition affects almost all men at different stages of their lives and is regarded as a transient issue, occurring from time to time and sometimes becoming a permanent one.
There are a lot of options regarding the treatment of male impotence, however the choice of every particular option depends on the actual cause behind the condition. Some methods work for psychologically-induced impotence while having no effect over physically-induced patients, and visa versa.
Male impotence is classified as erectile dysfunction when 1 out of 4 attempts to enjoy sexual activity doesn't result in a solid erection.
Another sexual problem that is quite often confused for male impotence is premature ejaculation. While being an upsetting condition at times, premature ejaculation still doesn't have anything in common with erectile dysfunction. With premature ejaculation a man experiences good erections, while the problem being in over excitement and the orgasm taking place too early for pleasant sensations. Erectile dysfunction is simply the inability to achieve an erection and it's hard to discuss ejaculation in this setting altogether.
The causes for male impotence are varied, and when selecting a treatment for the problem one should closely study the underlying condition first. It's not wise to buy Cialis or any other drug for male impotence before you actually know what's causing it. The problem with drugs like Cialis is that they are over-advertised and men tend to believe these drugs are the remedy for any type of impotence. And when they buy an expensive medication that cannot help them, the problem tends to get even worse because there's a belief now that nothing can help cure the condition and it's here for good.
That is why it is very important to consult with your physician before actually buying any drugs. You may discover that you don't actually need Cialis or other medications, and your problems can be resolved by simply going to a psychotherapist or treating the actual condition causing the issue. Remember that quite often impotence is only a symptom to a more serious illness and disease, so when you experience certain problems with your sexual activity don't lay it over and speak with your doctor right away.
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