Friday, June 4, 2010

Health article : medicine that can be unnecessary after these measures

Ways to prevent erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is a health condition that affects almost all men at a different stage of their lives. And while developing it in a senior age is not seen as something dramatic, earlier cases of ED give men some hard times and much stress. The ability to perform sexually is a milestone of male psychology and you can imagine what happens from the emotional and psychological point of view when impotence takes its force. Stress and depression are the most common issues arising from erectile dysfunction and these factors alone can significantly worsen one's quality of life.

Of course there are effective treatments for erectile dysfunction these days and even the most severe cases are known to be treated by drugs such as Viagra. But why taking the situation to the point when you need drugs to sustain your sexual abilities when you can effectively prevent erectile dysfunction and prolong your period of activity in a completely natural fashion? Yes, it's really possible and doesn't require costly medical procedures or herbal treatments that cost a fortune. Simple lifestyle changes can have much deeper and more beneficial impact on the quality of your erection than pricey medication when the problem is already here. The following tips are complex goals you have to set in order to prevent erectile problems at an early stage:

Pay attention to what you eat and drink
Employ a healthy diet rich with vitamins and free of fats and fried products. Eat more fruits and vegetables, switch to poultry and fish rather than red meat. This is all important for the state of your blood vessels that can otherwise be damaged by conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and many others arising from an unhealthy diet. And we all know how having good blood circulation is important for good erections.

Say goodbye to bad habits
Smoking and drinking are a very widespread cause for erectile dysfunction in younger men. Some people believe that cigarettes and alcohol act as aphrodisiacs and actually increase the sexual activity of the person. Fact is that while possibly influencing sexual arousal, nicotine, alcohol as well as the majority of recreational drugs damage the overall health and the condition of the cardiovascular system so bad that over time there won't be anything but the desire itself. Quit smoking and decrease alcohol consumption to a moderate level and you will soon notice pleasant improvements in your sexual performance without any generic Viagra.

Start exercising
Having an active lifestyle with plenty of physical activity is they key to staying fit and healthy, and that concerns sexual health as well. Lack of physical activity is the primary cause for a countless range of health conditions that may be the cause for erectile dysfunction. Start walking, running, jogging, swimming, doing yoga, cycling (with a comfortable saddle), working out at the gym - just anything that will take you out of the chair and give your body a fitness boost. Regular exercises are good for muscle tone and cardiovascular system, improving the overall quality of life. Just try not to over-train your body if you aren't a professional athlete. Training yourself into constant fatigue and stress is no way to prevent ED, as you will definitely be needing Viagra to help keep up the good work. Moderation is the key!

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