Now on to the news from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine which should bring some small encouragement to men whose erectile dysfunction is caused by diabetes. For the record, three-quarters of men with diabetes suffer some degree of erectile dysfunction. Once the nerve endings are seriously damaged, the impotence becomes permanent. Ignoring any issues about obesity which can be the reason for the late-onset of diabetes and, in its own right, contribute to the erectile dysfunction, the research team has been examining male biology at a molecular level. We have gone way beyond simple studies of muscles and blood vessels. That old electron microscope is finally earning its keep. The team has discovered molecular changes that may explain part of the reason for erectile dysfunction. If this experiment is repeated by other research centers, it will confirm a new way of testing who is at risk of erectile dysfunction and suggest new ways of targeting relief.
For those of you who worry about these things, the experiment to date has been on rats. No one wants to risk cutting open men at this early stage of the research. The team has identified significant differences in the levels of proteins between healthy and diabetic rats. In the latter, the collagen proteins connected to the development and maintenance of strength in muscles were down. The speculation is these molecular differences explain why arteries narrow and harden. There were also fewer proteins used to transport sex hormones.
Assuming the rat model is confirmed in volunteer men, this information can be translated into a simple blood test for hardening of the arteries generally and for the risk of erectile dysfunction in particular. Drugs can then be developed to increase the production of collagen proteins, which should then reverse arterial damage. While we wait for the march of science to move on, there is always cialis. This has moved to being the market leader in many countries around the world, consistently outselling the other erectile dysfunction drugs. Because it gives up to thirty-six hours of response when taken as needed, and is available for once-daily use, it has become the drug of choice. It works to dilate the arteries leading into the penis and achieves the desired erection. It is effective in men suffering relatively minor damage because of diabetes but, unless the diabetes is stabilized and the damage to the nerve endings stopped, no drug can keep on working. Early treatment for the diabetes is essential.
The answer to our quiz question is all to easy to give. As you will have noticed, the word causing all the trouble is soCIALISm. Websites depending on ads for erectile dysfunction drugs routinely scan words for the names of drugs. Who would have thought right-wingers would be censored because of erectile dysfunction.
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