The figures show that in the last year of the study the US population has consumed over 200,000 pounds of such painkillers as codeine, hydrocodone, meperidine, morphine, and oxycodone. If put in per capita perspective that means that every American consumed about 300 milligrams of analgesics.
One of the most used painkillers from that number were those containing oxycodone, which is the active element in the painkiller OxyContin. There was an astronomical increase of 600 per cent in sales in only 8 years of the study. Previously oxycodone was called "hillbilly heroin" because it was primarily traded over the counter in the Appalachia region and used for recreational purposes. However, today it is widely sold in big metropolitan areas from East to West.
Specialists suggest that there is a set of reasons behind such a skyrocketing use of analgesics among US citizens:
- The nation becomes older in age group proportions.
- Drugs have become much wider and more aggressively marketed with almost a triple increase in advertising spendings during the last ten years.
- Painkillers have become the cornerstone of the way the pain is treated and managed nowadays.
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